There are no current staff openings with the Bear Lab.
The Bear Lab is fully committed to creating an inclusive lab environment where all members are empowered to succeed as scientists and grow intellectually. We encourage scientists who are members of underrepresented minority groups and individuals committed to diversity and equity in science to apply for positions.
The Bear Lab understands that guidance from multiple mentors is an essential part of the scientific endeavor (e.g. here). Each member of the lab is encouraged to meet with Dr. Bear regularly to set goals and priorities, review scientific progress, and discuss career development. The lab also has a buddy system that pairs each undergraduate student, graduate student and postdoc with a peer within the lab for additional support and peer-mentoring. Other faculty in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences are also available for informal advice and mentorship, and trainees are encouraged to take advantage of all the resources offered by our department.
The Bear Lab welcomes applications from postdocs and graduate students. If our research interests you, please send your CV and a letter of inquiry to the Bear Lab application portal ( Up to 3 letters of reference may be requested. Positions are allocated based on scientific priorities, availability of funding, and lab space, but we also prioritize creation of a diverse intellectual environment, and particularly welcome applications from underrepresented groups.
The Bear Lab has supervised many successful UROPs over the years. To check for available research opportunity positions, please visit MIT UROP. We also encourage students applying to the Brain and Cognitive Sciences MIT Summer Research Program to consider performing research in the Bear Lab.
If interested in an undergraduate position with the lab, contact Senior Research Scientist Dr. Arnold Heynen. In your email, please include:
- A description of who you are, why you are interested in working in the Bear Lab, and what you hope to contribute.
- An updated CV or resume.
References may be requested at a later date.
The Bear Lab does not currently have any research opportunities for high school students who are not enrolled in an existing MIT program. However, we periodically mentor local high school students as they participate in MIT programs, including BEEAM and the MITES programs (which include the former SEED Academy and MOSTEC). While some of these programs are instructional and do not provide hands on research experience, if you are present at MIT and would like to visit the Bear Lab and meet our researchers, please contact Senior Research Scientist Dr. Arnold Heynen. We particularly encourage applicants to the BEEAM program to consider connecting with the Bear Lab research team.