Understanding MEG signals through the lens of source estimation, decoding, and connectivity: principles, pitfalls, and persepctives

On May 6, 2019 at 1:00 pm till 4:30 pm
Matti Hamalainen (MGH), Dimitrios Pantazis (McGovern Institute), David Gow (MGH)

ABSTRACT: MEG methodological approaches have grown remarkably during the 50-year history of MEG. A breadth of source estimation tools can localize brain activity even in challenging situations. Pattern analysis of brain activity can perform feats of mind reading by revealing what a person is seeing, perceiving, attending to, or remembering. Functional connectivity approaches can assess the role of large-scale brain networks in cognitive function. The aim of this workshop is to deconstruct these tools and overview challenges and limitations. Another goal is to demonstrate MEG data analysis procedures to a novice researcher.

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Matti Hamalainen, Massachusetts General Hospital
"MEG/EEG Source Estimation Approaches: A Spectrum of Purpose-Built Optimal Tools”

2:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Dimitrios Pantazis, McGovern Institute for Brain Research
“Decoding cognitive function with MEG: Recent advances, challenges, and future prospects”

2:30 PM – 3:00 PM
David Gow, Massachusetts General Hospital
“Large scale high temporal resolution effective connectivity analysis from MEG and the problem of inference”

3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Dimitrios Pantazis, McGovern Institute for Brain Research
“Demonstration of MEG data analysis using Brainstorm”

Singleton Auditorium, 46-3002